Source code for py2p.chord

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import hashlib
import json
import random
import select
import socket
import struct
import sys
import time
import traceback
import warnings

    from .cbase import protocol
    from .base import protocol

from .base import (flags, compression, to_base_58, from_base_58,
                base_connection, message, base_daemon, base_socket,
                pathfinding_message, json_compressions)
from .utils import (getUTC, get_socket, intersect, awaiting_value, most_common)

default_protocol = protocol('chord', "Plaintext")  # SSL")
hashes = ['sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']

if sys.version_info >= (3,):
    xrange = range

[docs]def distance(a, b, limit): """This is a clockwise ring distance function. It depends on a globally defined k, the key size. The largest possible node id is limit (or 2**k).""" return (b - a) % limit
[docs]class chord_connection(base_connection): """The class for chord connection abstraction. This inherits from :py:class:`py2p.base.base_connection`"""
[docs] def found_terminator(self): """This method is called when the expected amount of data is received Returns: ``None`` """ try: msg = super(chord_connection, self).found_terminator() except (IndexError, struct.error): self.__print__("Failed to decode message: %s. Expected compression: %s." % \ (raw_msg, intersect(compression, self.compression)[0]), level=1) self.send(flags.renegotiate, flags.compression, json.dumps([])) self.send(flags.renegotiate, flags.resend) return packets = msg.packets self.__print__("Message received: %s" % packets, level=1) if self.handle_renegotiate(packets): return self.server.handle_msg(message(msg, self.server), self)
@property def id_10(self): """Returns the nodes ID as an integer""" return from_base_58( def __hash__(self): return self.id_10 or id(self)
[docs]class chord_daemon(base_daemon): """The class for chord daemon. This inherits from :py:class:`py2p.base.base_daemon`"""
[docs] def mainloop(self): """Daemon thread which handles all incoming data and connections""" while self.main_thread.is_alive() and self.alive: conns = list(self.server.routing_table.values()) + self.server.awaiting_ids for handler in + [self.sock], [], [], 0.01)[0]: if handler == self.sock: self.handle_accept() else: self.process_data(handler) for handler in conns: self.kill_old_nodes(handler) self.server.update_fingers()
[docs] def handle_accept(self): """Handle an incoming connection""" if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): exceptions = (socket.error, ConnectionError) else: exceptions = (socket.error, ) try: conn, addr = self.sock.accept() self.__print__('Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr), level=1) handler = chord_connection(conn, self.server) handler.sock.settimeout(1) self.server.awaiting_ids.append(handler) except exceptions: pass
[docs] def process_data(self, handler): """Collects incoming data from nodes""" try: while not handler.find_terminator(): if not handler.collect_incoming_data(handler.sock.recv(1)): self.__print__("disconnecting node %s while in loop" %, level=6) self.server.disconnect(handler) return handler.found_terminator() except socket.timeout: # pragma: no cover return # Shouldn't happen with select, but if it does... except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, socket.error) and e.args[0] in (9, 104, 10053, 10054, 10058): node_id = if not node_id: node_id = repr(handler) self.__print__("Node %s has disconnected from the network" % node_id, level=1) else: self.__print__("There was an unhandled exception with peer id %s. This peer is being disconnected, and the relevant exception is added to the debug queue. If you'd like to report this, please post a copy of your chord_socket.status to" %, level=0) self.exceptions.append((e, traceback.format_exc())) self.server.disconnect(handler)
[docs]class chord_socket(base_socket): """The class for chord socket abstraction. This inherits from :py:class:`py2p.base.base_socket`"""
[docs] def __init__(self, addr, port, k=6, prot=default_protocol, out_addr=None, debug_level=0): """Initializes a chord socket Args: addr: The address you wish to bind to (ie: "") port: The port you wish to bind to (ie: 44565) k: This number indicates the node counts the network can support. You must have > (k+1) nodes. You may only have up to 2**k nodes, but at that count you will likely get ID conficts. prot: The protocol you wish to operate over, defined by a :py:class:`py2p.base.protocol` object out_addr: Your outward facing address. Only needed if you're connecting over the internet. If you use '' for the addr argument, this will automatically be set to your LAN address. debug_level: The verbosity you want this socket to use when printing event data Raises: socket.error: The address you wanted could not be bound, or is otherwise used """ super(chord_socket, self).__init__(addr, port, prot, out_addr, debug_level) self.k = k # 160 # SHA-1 namespace self.limit = 2**k self.id_10 = from_base_58( % self.limit = to_base_58(self.id_10) = dict(((method, dict()) for method in hashes)) self.daemon = chord_daemon(addr, port, self) self.requests = {} self.predecessors = [] self.register_handler(self.__handle_handshake) self.register_handler(self.__handle_peers) self.register_handler(self.__handle_response) self.register_handler(self.__handle_request) self.register_handler(self.__handle_retrieve) self.register_handler(self.__handle_store) = self self.prev = self self.leeching = True warnings.warn("This network configuration supports %s total nodes and requires a theoretical minimum of %s nodes" % (min(self.limit, 2**160), self.k), RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
@property def addr(self): """An alternate binding for ``self.out_addr``, in order to better handle self-references in the daemon thread""" return self.out_addr def __findFinger__(self, key): current=self for x in xrange(self.k): if distance(current.id_10, key, self.limit) > \ distance(self.routing_table.get(x, self).id_10, key, self.limit): current=self.routing_table.get(x, self) return current def __get_fingers(self): """Returns a finger table for your peer""" peer_list = [] peer_list = list(set(((tuple(node.addr), for node in list(self.routing_table.values()) + self.awaiting_ids if node.addr))) if is not self: peer_list.append((, if self.prev is not self: peer_list.append((self.prev.addr, return peer_list
[docs] def set_fingers(self, handler): """Given a handler, check to see if it's the closest connection to an ideal slot. In other words, if it's the closest ID you know of to a power of two distance from you, add it to your connection table. Args: handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` """ for x in xrange(self.k): goal = self.id_10 + 2**x if distance(self.__findFinger__(goal).id_10, goal, self.limit) \ > distance(handler.id_10, goal, self.limit): former = self.__findFinger__(goal) self.routing_table[x] = handler if former not in self.routing_table.values(): self.disconnect(former)
[docs] def is_saturated(self): """Returns whether all ideal connection slots are filled""" for x in xrange(self.k): node = self.__findFinger__(self.id_10 + 2**x % self.limit) if distance(node.id_10, self.id_10 + 2**x, self.limit) != 0: return False return True
[docs] def update_fingers(self): """Updates your connection table, and sends a request for more peers whenever ``getUTC() % 5 == 0 and not self.is_saturated()`` Is this efficient? No. Will it be fixed? Yes. See the warning up top. """ should_request = (not self.leeching) and (not (getUTC() % 5)) and (not self.is_saturated()) for handler in list(self.routing_table.values()) + self.awaiting_ids + self.predecessors: if self.set_fingers(handler) if should_request: handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.request, b'*')
[docs] def handle_msg(self, msg, conn): """Decides how to handle various message types, allowing some to be handled automatically""" if not super(chord_socket, self).handle_msg(msg, conn): self.__print__("Ignoring message with invalid subflag", level=4)
def __handle_handshake(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with handshake signals. Its two primary jobs are: - reject connections seeking a different network - set connection state Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == flags.handshake: if packets[2] != + to_base_58(self.k): self.disconnect(handler) return True if not = packets[1] self._send_handshake(handler) handler.addr = json.loads(packets[3].decode()) handler.compression = json.loads(packets[4].decode()) handler.compression = [algo.encode() for algo in handler.compression] self.__print__("Compression methods changed to %s" % repr(handler.compression), level=4) self.set_fingers(handler) handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.peers, json.dumps(self.__get_fingers())) if distance(self.id_10,, self.limit) \ > distance(self.id_10, handler.id_10, self.limit): = handler if distance(self.prev.id_10+1, self.id_10, self.limit) \ > distance(handler.id_10, self.id_10, self.limit): self.prev = handler return True def __handle_peers(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with peer signals. Its primary jobs is to connect to the given peers, if they are a better connection given the chord schema Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == flags.peers: new_peers = json.loads(packets[1].decode()) for addr, key in new_peers: key = from_base_58(key) for index in xrange(self.k): goal = self.id_10 + 2**index self.__print__("%s : %s" % (distance(self.__findFinger__(goal).id_10, goal, self.limit), distance(key, goal, self.limit)), level=5) if distance(self.__findFinger__(goal).id_10, goal, self.limit) \ > distance(key, goal, self.limit): self.__connect(*addr) if distance(self.id_10,, self.limit) \ > distance(self.id_10, key, self.limit): self.__connect(*addr) if distance(self.prev.id_10+1, self.id_10, self.limit) \ > distance(key, self.id_10, self.limit): self.__connect(*addr) return True def __handle_response(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with response signals. Its two primary jobs are: - if it was your request, send the deferred message - if it was someone else's request, relay the information Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == flags.response: self.__print__("Response received for request id %s" % packets[1], level=1) if self.requests.get((packets[1], packets[2])): value = self.requests.get((packets[1], packets[2])) value.value = packets[3] if value.callback: value.callback_method(packets[1], packets[2]) return True def __handle_request(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with request signals. Its three primary jobs are: - respond with a peers signal if packets[1] is ``'*'`` - if you know the ID requested, respond to it - if you don't, make a request with your peers Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == flags.request: if packets[1] == b'*': handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.peers, json.dumps(self.__get_fingers())) else: goal = from_base_58(packets[1]) node = self.__findFinger__(goal) if node is not self: node.send(flags.whisper, flags.request, packets[1], ret = awaiting_value() ret.callback = handler self.requests.update({(packets[1], ret}) else: handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.response, packets[1], packets[2], self.out_addr) return True def __handle_retrieve(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with data retrieval signals. Its two primary jobs are: - respond with data you possess - if you don't possess it, make a request with your closest peer to that key Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == flags.retrieve: if packets[1] in hashes: val = self.__lookup(packets[1], from_base_58(packets[2]), handler) if isinstance(val.value, str): self.__print__(val.value) handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.response, packets[1], packets[2], val.value) return True def __handle_store(self, msg, handler): """This callback is used to deal with data storage signals. Its two primary jobs are: - store data in keys you're responsible for - if you aren't responsible, make a request with your closest peer to that key Args: msg: A :py:class:`~py2p.base.message` handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` Returns: Either ``True`` or ``None`` """ packets = msg.packets if packets[0] == method = packets[1] key = from_base_58(packets[2]) self.__store(method, key, packets[3]) return True
[docs] def dump_data(self, start, end=None): """Args: start: An :py:class:`int` which indicates the start of the desired key range. ``0`` will get all data. end: An :py:class:`int` which indicates the end of the desired key range. ``None`` will get all data. (default: ``None``) Returns: A nested :py:class:`dict` containing your data from start to end """ i = start ret = dict(((method, {}) for method in hashes)) for method in for key in[method]: if key >= start % self.limit and (not end or key < end % self.limit): print(method, key, ret[method].update({key:[method][key]}) return ret
[docs] def connect(self, addr, port): """This function connects you to a specific node in the overall network. Connecting to one node *should* connect you to the rest of the network, however if you connect to the wrong subnet, the handshake failure involved is silent. You can check this by looking at the truthiness of this objects routing table. Example: .. code:: python >>> conn = chord.chord_socket('localhost', 4444) >>> conn.connect('localhost', 5555) >>> conn.join() >>> # do some other setup for your program >>> if (!conn.routing_table): ... conn.connect('localhost', 6666) # any fallback address ... conn.join() Args: addr: A string address port: A positive, integral port id: A string-like object which represents the expected ID of this node """ self.__print__("Attempting connection to %s:%s" % (addr, port), level=1) if socket.getaddrinfo(addr, port)[0] == socket.getaddrinfo(*self.out_addr)[0]: self.__print__("Connection already established", level=1) return False conn = get_socket(self.protocol, False) conn.settimeout(1) conn.connect((addr, port)) handler = chord_connection(conn, self, outgoing=True) self.awaiting_ids.append(handler) return handler
[docs] def _send_handshake(self, handler): """Shortcut method for sending a handshake to a given handler Args: handler: A :py:class:`~py2p.chord.chord_connection` """ json_out_addr = '["{}", {}]'.format(*self.out_addr) handler.send(flags.whisper, flags.handshake,, \ + to_base_58(self.k), \ json_out_addr, json_compressions)
def __connect(self, addr, port): """Private API method for connecting and handshaking Args: addr: the address you want to connect to/handshake port: the port you want to connect to/handshake """ try: handler = self.connect(addr, port) if handler and not self.leeching: self._send_handshake(handler) except: pass
[docs] def join(self): """Tells the node to start seeding the chord table""" # for handler in self.awaiting_ids: self.leeching = False handler = random.choice(self.awaiting_ids or list(self.routing_table.values())) self._send_handshake(handler)
[docs] def unjoin(self): """Tells the node to stop seeding the chord table, and dumps the data to the proper nodes""" self.leeching = True temp_data = = dict(((method, dict()) for method in hashes)) peers = self.awaiting_ids + list(self.routing_table.values()) addrs = set([tuple(node.addr) for node in peers]) for node in peers: self.disconnect(node) for addr in addrs: self.connect(*addr) for algo in temp_data: for key in temp_data[algo]: self.__store(algo, key, temp_data[algo][key])
def __lookup(self, method, key, handler=None): if self.routing_table: node = self.__findFinger__(key) else: node = random.choice(self.awaiting_ids) if node in (self, None): return awaiting_value([method].get(key, '')) else: node.send(flags.whisper, flags.retrieve, method, to_base_58(key)) ret = awaiting_value() if handler: ret.callback = handler self.requests.update({(method, to_base_58(key)): ret}) return ret
[docs] def lookup(self, key): """Looks up the value at a given key. Under the covers, this actually checks five different hash tables, and returns the most common value given. Args: key: The key that you wish to check. Must be a :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes`-like object Returns: The value at said key Raises: socket.timeout: If the request goes partly-unanswered for >=10 seconds KeyError: If the request is made for a key with no agreed-upon value """ if not isinstance(key, (bytes, bytearray)): key = str(key).encode() keys = [int(, key).hexdigest(), 16) for algo in hashes] vals = [self.__lookup(method, x) for method, x in zip(hashes, keys)] common, count = most_common(vals) iters = 0 limit = 100 while common == -1 and iters < limit: time.sleep(0.1) iters += 1 common, count = most_common(vals) if common not in (None, '') and count > len(hashes) // 2: return common elif iters == limit: raise socket.timeout() raise KeyError("This key does not have an agreed-upon value", vals)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.lookup(key)
[docs] def get(self, key): return self.__getitem__(key)
def __store(self, method, key, value): node = self.__findFinger__(key) if self.leeching and node is self: node = random.choice(self.awaiting_ids) if node in (self, None):[method].update({key: value}) else: node.send(flags.whisper,, method, to_base_58(key), value)
[docs] def store(self, key, value): """Updates the value at a given key. Under the covers, this actually uses five different hash tables, and updates the value in all of them. Args: key: The key that you wish to update. Must be a :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes`-like object value: The value you wish to put at this key. Must be a :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes`-like object """ if not isinstance(key, (bytes, bytearray)): key = str(key).encode() keys = [int(, key).hexdigest(), 16) for algo in hashes] for method, x in zip(hashes, keys): self.__store(method, x, value)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): return, value)
[docs] def set(self, key, value): return self.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def update(self, update_dict): """Equivalent to :py:meth:`dict.update` This calls :py:meth:`` for each key/value pair in the given dictionary. Args: update_dict: A :py:class:`dict`-like object to extract key/value pairs from. Key and value be a :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes`-like object """ for key in update_dict: value = update_dict[key] self.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def disconnect(self, handler): """Closes a given connection, and removes it from your routing tables Args: handler: the connection you would like to close """ node_id = if not node_id: node_id = repr(handler) self.__print__("Connection to node %s has been closed" % node_id, level=1) if handler in self.awaiting_ids: self.awaiting_ids.remove(handler) elif handler in self.routing_table.values(): for key in list(self.routing_table.keys()): if self.routing_table[key] is handler: self.routing_table.pop(key) elif handler in self.predecessors: self.predecessors.remove(handler) try: handler.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except: pass