Sync Module =========== .. js:class:: js2p.sync.metatuple(owner, timestamp) This class is used to store metadata for a particular key .. js:class:: js2p.sync.sync_socket(addr, port [, leasing [, protocol [, out_addr [, debug_level]]]]) This is the class for mesh network socket abstraction. It inherits from :js:class:`js2p.mesh.mesh_socket`. Because of this inheritence, this can also be used as an alert network. This also implements and optional leasing system by default. This leasing system means that if node A sets a key, node B cannot overwrite the value at that key for an hour. This may be turned off by setting ``leasing`` to ``false`` to the constructor. :param string addr: The address you'd like to bind to :param number port: The port you'd like to bind to :param boolean leasing: Whether this class's leasing system should be enabled (default: ``true``) :param js2p.base.protocol protocol: The subnet you're looking to connect to :param array out_addr: Your outward-facing address :param number debug_level: The verbosity of debug prints .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.__store(key, new_data, new_meta, error) Private API method for storing data :param key: The key you wish to store data at :param new_data: The data you wish to store in said key :param new_meta: The metadata associated with this storage :param error: A boolean which says whether to raise a :py:class:`KeyError` if you can't store there :raises Error: If someone else has a lease at this value, and ``error`` is not ``false`` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket._send_handshake_response(handler) Shortcut method to send a handshake response. This method is extracted from :js:func:`~js2p.mesh.mesh_socket.__handle_handshake` in order to allow cleaner inheritence from :js:class:`js2p.sync.sync_socket` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.__handle_store This callback is used to deal with data storage signals. Its two primary jobs are: - store data in a given key - delete data in a given key :param msg: A :js:class:`~js2p.base.message` :param handler: A :js:class:`~js2p.mesh.mesh_connection` :returns: Either ``true`` or ``undefined`` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.get(key [, fallback]) Retrieves the value at a given key :param key: The key you wish to look up (must be transformable into a :js:class:`Buffer` ) :param fallback: The value it should return when the key has no data :returns: The value at the given key, or ``fallback``. :raises TypeError: If the key could not be transformed into a :js:class:`Buffer` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.set(key, value) Sets the value at a given key :param key: The key you wish to look up (must be transformable into a :js:class:`Buffer` ) :param value: The key you wish to store (must be transformable into a :js:class:`Buffer` ) :raises TypeError: If a key or value could not be transformed into a :js:class:`Buffer` :raises: See :js:func:`~js2p.sync.sync_socket.__store` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.update(update_dict) For each key/value pair in the given object, calls :js:func:`~js2p.sync.sync_socket.set` :param Object update_dict: An object with keys and values which can be transformed into a :js:class:`Buffer` :raises: See :js:func:`~js2p.sync.sync_socket.set` .. js:function:: js2p.sync.sync_socket.del(key) Clears the value at a given key :param key: The key you wish to look up (must be transformable into a :js:class:`Buffer` ) :raises TypeError: If a key or value could not be transformed into a :js:class:`Buffer` :raises: See :js:func:`~js2p.sync.sync_socket.set`