Base Converter

Arbitrary precision base conversion by Daniel Gehriger <> Permission for use was given here. This has been heavily modified since copying, has been hardcoded for a specific case, then translated to C.

C/C++ Section

const static char *base_58

This buffer contains all of the characters within the base_58 “alphabet”

const static char *ascii

This buffer contains all of the characters within the extended ascii “alphabet”

static inline size_t find_base_58(const char search)

This is the equivalent of base_58.indexOf(search)

  • search – The character you would like to search for

The index of this character in base_58, or -1

static inline unsigned long long from_base_58(const char *str, const size_t len)

This converts a short base_58 buffer to its ascii equivalent

  • str – The buffer you wish to convert
  • len – The length of the buffer to convert

The equivalent integral value

static inline unsigned int base2dec(const char *value, const size_t len)

Converts a small ascii buffer to its equivalent integral value

  • value – The buffer you wish to convert
  • len – The length of the buffer to convert

The equivalent integral value

static inline void dec2base(unsigned int value, char *result, size_t *len)

Converts an integral value to its equivalent binary buffer, then places this in result and updates len

  • value – The value you wish to convert (as an unsigned int)
  • result – The buffer result
  • len – The length of the buffer result


This uses memmove() to transfer data, so it’s helpful if you start with a larger-than-necessary buffer

static char *to_base_58(unsigned long long i, size_t *len)

Converts an integral value to base_58, then updates len

  • i – The value you want to convert
  • len – The length of the generated buffer

A buffer containing the base_58 equivalent of i


The return value needs to have free() called on it at some point

static unsigned int divide_58(char *x, size_t *length)

Divides an ascii buffer by 58, and returns the remainder

  • x – The binary buffer you wish to divide
  • length – The length of the buffer

An unsigned int which contains the remainder of this division

static char *ascii_to_base_58_(const char *input, size_t length, size_t *res_len)

Converts an arbitrary ascii buffer to its base_58 equivalent. The length of this buffer is placed in res_len.

  • input – An input buffer
  • length – The length of said buffer
  • res_len – A pointer to the return buffer’s length

A buffer containing the base_58 equivalent of the provided buffer.

static char *ascii_to_base_58(const char *input, size_t length, size_t *res_len, size_t minDigits)

Converts an arbitrary ascii buffer into its base_58 equivalent. This is largely used for converting hex digests, or other such things which cannot conveniently be converted to an integral.

  • input – An input buffer
  • length – The length of said buffer
  • res_len – A pointer to the return buffer’s length
  • minDigits – The minimum number of base_58 digits you would like to get back

A buffer containing the base_58 equivalent of the provided buffer.

C++ Only Section

static std::string ascii_to_base_58(std::string input)

Converts an arbitrary binary buffer into its base_58 equivalent.

This is a shortcut version of ascii_to_base_58(), with arguments:

  • input.c_str()
  • input.length()
  • &size_placeholder
  • 1
Parameters:input – A std::string which contains the buffer you wish to convert
Returns:A std::string which contains the resulting data
static std::string to_base_58(unsigned long long i)

Converts an integral value into its base_58 equivalent. This takes the data from to_base_58() and converts it to a std::string.

Parameters:i – The integral value you wish to convert
Returns:A std::string which contains the resulting data