Chord Socket


This module is partly unstable, and should be regarded as “pre-alpha”.

If you’re considering using this, please wait until this warning is removed. Expected beta status is by end of November 2016.

Basic Usage

The chord schema is used as a distributed hash table. Its primary purpose is to ensure data syncronization between peers. While it’s not entirely dict-like, it has a substantial subset of this API.

To connect to a chord network, use the chord_socket object. this is instantiated as follows:

>>> from py2p import chord
>>> sock = chord.chord_socket('', 4444, k=2)
>>> sock.join()  # This indicates you want to store data

There are two arguments to explain here.

The keyword k specifies the maximum number of seeding nodes on the network. In other words, for a given k, you can have up to 2**k nodes storing data, and as few as k. k is also the maximum number of requests you can expect to issue for a given piece of data. So lookup time will be O(k).

And like in mesh_socket, using '' will automatically grab your LAN address. Using an outbound internet connection requires a little more work. First, ensure that you have a port forward set up (NAT busting is not in the scope of this project). Then specify your outward address as follows:

>>> from py2p import chord
>>> sock = chord.chord_socket('', 4444, k=2 out_addr=('', 44565))
>>> sock.join()  # This indicates you want to store data

In addition, SSL encryption can be enabled if cryptography is installed. This works by specifying a custom protocol object, like so:

>>> from py2p import chord, base
>>> sock = chord.chord_socket('', 4444, k=2, prot=base.protocol('chord', 'SSL'))

Eventually that will be the default, but while things are being tested it will default to plaintext. If cryptography is not installed, this will generate an ImportError

Specifying a different protocol object will ensure that the node only can connect to people who share its object structure. So if someone has 'chord2' instead of 'chord', it will fail to connect. You can see the current default by looking at py2p.chord.default_protocol.

This same check is performed for the k value provided. The full check which happens is essentially:

assert + to_base_58(your_k) == + to_base_58(peer_k)

Unfortunately, this failure is currently silent. Because this is asynchronous in nature, raising an Exception is not possible. Because of this, it’s good to perform the following check after connecting:

>>> from py2p import chord
>>> import time
>>> sock = chord.chord_socket('', 4444, k=2)
>>> sock.connect('', 4567)
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> assert sock.routing_table or sock.awaiting_ids

Using the constructed table is very easy. Several dict-like methods have been implemented.


A value can be retrieved by using the get() method, or alternately with __getitem__().

>>> foo = sock.get('test key', None)  # Returns None if there is nothing at that key
>>> bar = sock[b'test key']           # Raises KeyError if there is nothing at that key

It is important to note that keys are all translated to bytes before being used, so it is required that you use a bytes-like object. It is also safer to manually convert unicode keys to bytes, as there are sometimes inconsistencies betwen the Javascript and Python implementation. If you notice one of these, please file a bug report.


A value can be stored by using the set() method, or alternately with __setitem__().

>>> sock.set('test key', 'value')
>>> sock[b'test key'] = b'value'

Like above, keys and values are all translated to bytes before being used, so it is required that you use a bytes-like object.


The update method is simply a wrapper which updates based on a fed dict. Essentially it runs the following:

>>> for key in update_dict:
...     sock[key] = update_dict[key]

Advanced Usage

Refer to the mesh socket tutorial